On Feb 4, 1983 Karen Carpenter died: Watch Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story


Below is the 1987 movie Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story, made by Todd Haynes using Barbie and Ken dolls to sympathetically recount the story of the pop star’s death from anorexia, he spent months making miniature dishes, chairs, costumes, Kleenex and Ex-Lax boxes, and Carpenters’ records to create the film’s intricate, doll-size mise-en-scene. The result was both audacious and accomplished as the dolls seemingly ceased to be dolls leaving the audience weeping for the tragic singer. Unfortunately, Richard Carpenter’s enmity for the film (which made him look like a selfish jerk) led to the serving of a “cease and desist” order in 1989, and despite the director’s offer “to only show the film in clinics and schools, with all money going to the Karen Carpenter memorial fund for anorexia research,” “Superstar” remains buried, one of the few films in modern America that cannot be seen by the general public.

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